Please Rescue Me!

A drawing of Smitty the Mutt behind bars in doggie jail at the animal rescue. His speech bubble reads, "Please rescue me!"

Yesterday, I introduced you to Smitty the Mutt. At the moment, Smitty is very sad. Somehow, he lost his family. He can’t remember exactly how it happened, but he went through a terrible ordeal. Some nice people found him and took him to the animal shelter. Now, he’s waiting to be adopted.

A drawing of Smitty the Mutt behind bars in doggie jail at the animal rescue. His speech bubble reads, "Please rescue me!"

It’s #Doggust2024. I’m joining @dogsinaugust, drawing dogs using the official alternate drawing list. Today’s prompt is Mutt.

Have you ever lost your dog? One Fourth of July, our dog was so terrified by fireworks that he ran away. They weren’t even our fireworks—we don’t do that. He’d never run away before; he’d come to us for comfort and safety. Luckily, he had a tag with our phone number, and we got him back.

Author: Michelle

8 thoughts on “Please Rescue Me!

  1. That must’ve been so scary for you AND your dog!
    Oh, Smitty! I believe you’ll be adopted fairly quickly. 😘❤️

    1. Yes, we were all shook up about it. Luckily a happy ending for our dog, and for Smitty!

  2. Oh, what a sad picture. I’ve never lost our dog, but she does get spooked easily, so I like to have an LED collar on her in the dark and I take heart that she’s microchipped. I feel terrible for dogs who lose their way!

    1. I feel terrible for them too! We’ve had several lost dogs show up at our house over the years, and we’ve always been able to find their people. Your LED collar is very cool, and microchipping is such a good idea.

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