My January 2025 Wrap Up

An illustration of a cupcake with a red wrapper, pink cake, and white frosting with sprinkles.

January is my birthday month! I had a lovely, quiet birthday filled with good wishes from people I love. I’m grateful to be another year older. I’m also grateful that this January (unlike last January) didn’t involve any scary medical treatments.

An illustration with the words: Aquarius January 20 - February 18, the water bearer. Below are drawings of various containers that hold water: glass, tumbler, tea pot, cup, measuring cup, pitcher, flask, mug, canteen goblet, carafe, watering can, bucket, and bottle.
Do you know any water bearers?

Speaking of water bearers, my new water bottle turned out to be a big disappointment. It was such a pretty blue color, but unfortunately, it started leaving a blue stain wherever I set it. Not only that – but the stains were strong enough to require vigorous scrubbing with my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Some of the scrubbing resulted in damage to the table beside my recliner. So, of course, the water bottle went into the trash. I didn’t think it would be very kind to donate the stupid thing. Well, with so much of my attention focused on drinking more water – I ended up drinking more water!
Here’s what the water bottle looked like:

A photo of my blue water bottle, which I threw away!

I had fun drawing in my sketchbook every day. (As part of the 365 Somethings Project hosted by iHanna) I used various techniques and art supplies – pens, watercolors, acrylic markers, colored pencils, and pastel pencils. It has become a lovely habit, and I look forward to my daily drawing session each day. It feels like a form of meditation to me.

A photo of all 31 drawings in my sketchbook!

I made Valentine’s postcards and mailed them to the people who signed up for them! I hope the recipients, and everyone who handles them along the way, will feel the love I’ve sent!

A sample of my hand-painted Valentine post cards.

Elisabeth at Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist is hosting a lovely project in February called The F.I.G. Collective – Finding Joy In Gratitude. She made a cute printable with spaces to write something to be grateful for each day in February. I’ve got my copy ready to go!

I realize that January has been awful for many people, and my heart breaks for them. With all the terrible things going on, I’m trying to focus on what’s good, and what I’m grateful for, and trying to bring love and joy into the world.

Sending you love, friends!

Author: Michelle

8 thoughts on “My January 2025 Wrap Up

  1. I love your drawing so much! It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I think the drawing of the typewriter is probably my favorite! I’m glad you had a great medical issue free month. That’s at least a girl should expect out of her birthday month, right?

    January was not a great month for me but compared to what others are dealing with across the US at the hands of this insane president, my problems are looking like small potatoes. I’m trying to keep that in mind but also acknowledging that it’s been a tough month, mostly because of my surgery.

    1. Thank you for the nice compliment, Lisa! I’m sure your surgery made January extra tough – I’d say surgery is a big potato! I hope you’ll be feeling better in February!

  2. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius!
    What a bummer about your water bottle! But your drawings are so amazing. They make me happy just to look at them.
    February is love and friendship month to me, and so I will celebrate your friendship! xo

    1. Now I’ll be singing that song! 🤣 I used to play it on the piano way back in the day – it was one of my favorites, and I could really bang away on the bass notes! Hooray for blogging friends! ❤️

  3. I love, love, love your daily drawings, Michelle. I’m curious how you decide what to draw each day?

    And I’ll be anxiously checking my mailbox <3

    Happy FIG collecting!

    1. Thank you so much, Elisabeth! January’s drawings were very random. A few of them were from drawing challenges on Instagram. For February, I have a list of prompts from Februarty. (I love the cute name!) They’re also quite random, but at least I won’t have to come up with ideas.

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