Hello October! Or should I say Walktober?

A drawing of a fall bouquet of flowers surrounded by pumpkins.

It’s October! This is usually my favorite month of the year, and I hope this one won’t disappoint!

I’m going to take part in a walking challenge called the Cool Bloggers Walking Club hosted by Elisabeth at The Optimistic Musings of a Pessimist Blog. She’s proposing a 10-minute daily walk. Ten minutes feels like a manageable goal for me.

I used to go for long walks. I had a big, powerful stride, and I could walk fast for miles. Then I hurt my knee, and I can only blame it on aging. I was walking along when there was a big CRUNCH, a bigger OUCH, and a long recovery of RICE. (Rest, ice, compression, elevation.) It changed my gait, which made my hips hurt and started affecting my other knee. Then my feet started hurting. So, I gave up on walking. All or nothing, you know?

This summer, I got a tricycle and rode it nearly every day. It’s helped strengthen my leg muscles so much! I’ve learned to be much more gentle with myself, and it’s not all or nothing anymore. I feel ready to start walking again! This month will be more about enjoying the outdoors and breathing fresh air. I’ll listen to my body and go at a slower pace. Much slower. More of a 10-minute mosey!

Thank you, Elisabeth, for hosting this lovely walking challenge!

I just finished my first ten-minute walk! It was gorgeous!
Author: Michelle

23 thoughts on “Hello October! Or should I say Walktober?

  1. Yay, go for it Michelle! October is a wonderful month to start a walking challenge. Ten minutes a day sounds perfect to get those mood boosting endorphins flowing.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Rae! Yes, walking for 10 minutes does boost my endorphins!

  2. I’ve joined in on this walking challenge, too. Although my first walk was around a parking lot which doesn’t lend itself to any charming taleโ€” but I did it!

    1. Yay, Ally! A parking lot can be a great place to walk if it’s paved and flat and well maintained. I’m glad you’re joining in!

  3. Walktober! I absolutely love this idea. I was keeping up with three miles a week in September, but then I lost some steam. Youโ€™re inspiring me to get back into it! ๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ

    1. Yay Kari! We can all inspire each other – as we so often do! I love the 10-minute goal because it’s not overwhelming.

    1. Engie, yes – yay for the CBWC! I can’t wait to see everyone’s pictures on Elisabeth’s blog!

  4. Yeah for Walktober. I am excited about it even if my spirits are snuffed today (constant rain and a migraine) but I still have about 4 hours of daylight to go outside.

    I always had issues walking for longer stretches as my knows hurt and then my back. Since I am doing regular yoga I realized that I have no more knee pains and can walk with much bigger strides too. Yesterday I walked for 2 kilometers and was not even out of breath. Yeah. So I am looking forward enjoy the (hopefully) golden lights of fall.

    1. I’m so happy that you’ve enjoyed some improvements, Tobia! The weather can sure put a damper on things.

  5. The fall drawing is lovely. Doing the best you can when you can, is better than not trying. Some days I can get in 8,000 steps and some days I’m content with 4,000. It all depends upon what other type of work I’ve done and how my back feels. ๐Ÿ™‚ I toured a farm yesterday and had been walking around and standing for about an hour and a half. As we finished up, he wanted to show us his new brewing area in a basement. I went to step up and my back was so tight I almost face planted, embarassing but the body was tired and tight.

    1. Thank you so much, Judy! The farm tour sounds fun, but that is a lot of standing. I’m glad you didn’t face plant!

  6. Walktober! I love it. I pretty much walk every day because you know…dog…but I like that my October walks are with the Cool Blogger’s community.

  7. Walktober! I love it. And thanks for joining in. I hope you enjoy the time outside – it is such a lovely time of year. I love moseying…

  8. Way to go Michelle, baby steps lead to great things. I have an akward knee and foot, but both are ok with walking, thank goodness, touch wood. Good luck with Walktober ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Hi Michelle!!! Walktober sounds great! I already do a ten minute walk everyday and I call it a perfect amount of exercise! Lol! I heard once (my Mom heard it somewhere and told me) that even only ten minutes of walking every day made a big difference in longevity among other health benefits. I timed the walk around my block…. ten minutes on the nose and I was on it! Something I could fit in every day even if it was the last thing I did before climbing into my car for the 45 minute commute… and it wasn’t long before I was just feeling better and stronger and more “fit”! Now I only don’t walk if it is very icy or pouring rain….. mist and gentle showers are fine…. downpour not so much! ๐Ÿ™‚ But I know what you mean about missing the longer walks too… I was a “strider” like you when I was young and carless….. it just isn’t as good for the aging joints now so I amble along instead! I hope your knees and hips enjoy the gentle pace… remember to take a rest if you need it at first! :):):)

    1. Thank you, Betsy! I appreciate your encouragement! I love that 10 minutes can make a difference, yet it’s not overwhelming.

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