Cool Ranch News!

A close-up photo of a red and white cow's face.

Here’s some cool news: Our family ranch won the 2023 Montana Stockgrowers Environmental Stewardship award, and this week, members of the MT Stockgrowers Association and others came for a tour! I hid myself away from the camera, so you won’t see me in the video, but this is where I live, and I’m so proud to be part of this ranching family!

As long as I’m posting about our ranch, here’s another cool video with aerial views of the ranch.

I don’t write about the ranch often, but I just had to share these fun videos. It makes me feel good that ranching can be environmentally friendly and that we’re doing our part to keep the land thriving.

Thanks for reading/watching!

Author: Michelle

18 thoughts on “Cool Ranch News!

  1. Michelle, this is incredible! Huge congratulations to you and your family! I loved reading about your ranch and getting to know your family—what a beautiful place! Thank you for sharing it with us. 😘❤️

  2. Michelle, this is “Cool Ranch News!” indeed (it sounds like it could be a weekly blog segment). I’d LOVE to know more from your perspective of what life is like living on the ranch. In my view you’re another Pioneer Woman just instead of making cakes you’re making the sweetest illustrations and gnomes and dollhouses! Pioneer Woman the Crafty Edition instead of culinary.

    1. Your comment made my day, Elisabeth! ❤️ I love the thought of being the Crafty Pioneer Woman! A Cool Ranch News segment is a nice idea. Thank you for your lovely comment!

  3. That is awesome! What an honor. I am impressed that your family is doing so much to keep things safe for the environment. I had a great time riding through MT and the scenery overall, including at your place, is top notch! I actually rode not too far from you; I went through Wise River, headed south through the Beaverhead Deerlodge NF and then headed south to Lima before heading East to the Red Rocks Lakes Wildlife Area. I just skirted you basically!

  4. That was a very impressive presentation. A lot of information and well put together. The ranch properties, the fencing and all the green grass looked really nice. Was a drone used to take the eye in the sky pictures. In total the whole thing looked very professional.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, a drone was used for the air shots, and it’s so cool to see the place from above. I had no idea it looked like that!

  5. Wow, Michell, Congratulations to your family for doing such a great job! The land looks healthy and lush and the cows and calves look in wonderful condition. The riparian program is so valuable and so often ignored. All those other species need water too and will benefit the land by being there. It is a symbiosis often ignored and misunderstood. What a tribute and what a beautiful place! Thank you for sharing…. it is always heartwarming to hear about really good programs and hard work making a difference! 🙂

    1. Betsy, thank you so much for your lovely comment! I really appreciate that you think the land and cattle look healthy, and you understand the importance of what we’re doing! Thank you so very much! ❤️

    1. Thank you so much, Ally! My husband, sister-in-law, and niece do it all, and I just enjoy going along for the ride! And it’s a great ride!

    1. Thank you so much, Nicole! I love living here! Where you live is also so beautiful – and your weather makes me so jealous!

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