Doggust was Delightful!

I had so much fun drawing dogs all month! I’m working on compiling my drawings into a story I can self-publish. I’ve done this with two other books, How the Pigs Got Their Blankets and The Cows Got Out. These links are to the Kindle version, which you can read for free if you have Kindle Unlimited. You can also see a free preview with the Look Inside button.

The previous books started with the story, and then I drew the illustrations. This method of starting with the illustrations is a much different way to go about things. I feel like I have a lot of editing to do, and I need to add more drawings to make it all work.

Here are the last few drawings to finish up the Doggust drawing challenge:

A drawing of Smitty the dog laying on his back in an oval-shaped dog bed filled with pillows. He's under a blanket and a little bear is tucked under his paw.
The Doggust drawing prompt was nap.

Smitty loved taking naps in his special dog bed, which included a special dog blanket, pillows, and a bear.

When he woke up from his naps, he’d have so much energy that he’d get the zoomies! He’d run around and around, which made Sarah laugh.

A drawing of Smitty running through a field. A tree filled with autumn leaves is letting a few leaves fall to the ground.
The Doggust drawing prompt was ZOOMIES.

Fall came, and it was time to get ready for a Halloween party. Which costume should Smitty wear? Should he dress as a cowboy?

A drawing of Smitty dressed in a cowboy hat and scarf with a sprig of wheat in his mouth. He's sitting in a pumpkin patch.

Should he dress as a clown?

A drawing of Smitty the dog dressed as a clown while sitting in a pumpkin patch.

Or a bumble bee?

A drawing of Smitty the dog dressed as a bumble bee while sitting in a pumpkin patch.

Or should he dress as a pumpkin?

A drawing of Smitty the Dog dressed as a pumpkin while sitting in a pumpkin patch. Crouton the kitty is peeking out from behind a pumpkin.
The Doggust drawing prompt was Trick or Treat.

Which costume do you think Smitty should wear?
Do you dress up your dog (if you have one) for Halloween?
Have you ever self-published a book?

Thank you for following along with my Doggust drawing project!

Author: Michelle

16 thoughts on “Doggust was Delightful!

  1. I enjoyed Smitty throughout all of August and hope he shows up again in other months wearing whatever seems appropriate for that time of year. He’s a cutie patootie!

  2. You’re really such a talent! He should obviously be a bee!

    I don’t dress up my dog, but sometimes I make her put on a bow tie and I refer to her as a business lady.

    1. Thank you so much, Engie! 🐝I love the business lady costume idea! I’ll bet she’s adorable!

  3. That bed looks soooo comfy. I like the cowboy outfit. We bought Christmas outfits a few years ago, but only put them on the boys a couple of times, then I took them to the charity shop.

    1. Thank you so much, Polly! I’ll bet the Christmas outfits were adorable. But dogs don’t seem to enjoy them as much as we do! 🤣

  4. Pumpkin!!!!! That’s the one I loved most, although the bee is also so cute! Keep making all us happy with your designs! I added the “It’s time to feed the cat” clock to my wishlist- how adorable is that?

    1. Thank you, Daria! I’m so happy that you’ve enjoyed Smitty’s story! You’re so sweet! ❤️

  5. I had no idea you had books and cards available for purchase! Big thanks to Nicole for the heads-up! Guess I just needed to look up! 🤣 Watching your artwork come to life this month was such a joy—I had so much fun following along! Now, off to snag some goodies! 😘

    1. Thank you so much, Kari! I’m so happy you’ve enjoyed the Smitty story! ❤️ I don’t ever want to come across as “salesy”. I dabble here and there, just enough to have fun.

  6. Hi Michelle! I am a bit Old Fashioned… I don’t have an e-reader and really Like paper objects I can hold and “page through”. And I also need to stand up for the “injured dignity” feelings in some dogs… I choose the Cowboy costume… because the bandana won’t be so hard to bear and the hat is really small and might just tip off quickly (if you know how to move your head just right Smitty!)!! :):) But I think the Drawings are very cute! I have not ever self published and wouldn’t know where to begin… but have many projects that people tell me I “Should’ be doing so… sigh… not enough time to make the story and then have to figure out the rest!!! (I think this explains a lot about why I am not a professional artist….)! Just keep drawing! :):)

    1. Hi Betsy, I totally understand about liking paper objects. There’s nothing like holding a physical item in your hands. The cowboy costume is my favorite too. We never dress up our dog, but it sure is fun to draw them in costume! 😊

  7. I’m torn between the pumpkin and the bee. Both are just so great. I do not dress up Rex for Halloween but I tried to put a small cowboy hat on him once. I also put a Santa hat and scarf on him at Christmas and he basically looks at me like I have betrayed his very soul, and then he tries to paw off the hat.
    I am so excited that you are making this into a book. It’s perfect honestly. And for all of Michelle’s readers who don’t know – not only does she have books on Amazon, she also makes beautiful greeting cards and you can order them! I have a little stash in my drawer right now! Look up and see them under “shopping!”
    I have not self-published a book but depending on what happens with this novel, I might just end up doing that. Who can say! I’m writing it for the joy of writing, not to become the next Danielle Steele or anything, so self-publishing may be the route I take.
    I just thought…wouldn’t it be fun if you and I wrote a book together??? Omg. Okay, that’s too exciting to even contemplate, for now I’ll finish my project. BUT WHAT IF WE DID, MICHELLE, WHAT IF WE DID. It could be about gnomes!

    1. Nicole, you are so sweet! I’m so touched to know that you got some of my cards! I can see there are sales, but the website doesn’t give me any info about the customers, so I never know who’s buying them. Aww, you’re just so sweet! My heart could burst.
      As for writing a book together…. I’m 100% in! Yes, let’s do it! 😀 Of course you’ll have to finish you novel first, but seriously, we should make it happen!

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