Smitty’s Happy Doggust Days

Smitty enjoyed his summer days with Sarah. When it was hot, she would turn on the fan, and Smitty would sit directly in front of it. He loved feeling the air blow through his fur.

A drawing of Smitty the Dog sitting in front of a fan. His fur looks like it's flapping in the breeze.
Doggust drawing prompt: Hot

Smitty also loved feeling the wind in his fur when he went for a ride in the back of Sarah’s pickup truck. He’d leap into the back so powerfully that Sarah would gasp in worry!

Smitty the Dog leaping into the back of a battered blue truck. Sarah has her mouth open in shock!
Doggust Drawing prompt: Leap

Sometimes, Sarah would throw a frisbee, and Smitty would catch it mid-air! He never, ever missed!

A drawing of Smitty the dog jumping up to catch a frisbee.
Doggust drawing prompt: Fetch

Sarah gave Smitty a big chewy bone every day.

A drawing of Smitty the Dog laying on the grass, chewing a bone.
Doggust drawing prompt: Chew

Smitty would chew the bone for a while, then sneak away and bury it to save it for later.

A drawing of Smitty the Dog digging a hole.
Doggust drawing prompt: Dig

One day, when they were walking, Sarah found Smitty’s boneyard. She couldn’t believe it! “Oh, Smitty,” she cried. “You are a silly, silly boy!” Smitty pressed against her leg, his tongue out in a blep.

A drawing of Sarah and Smitty looking at a field full of mounds of dirt with bones sticking out of them.
Doggust drawing prompt: Blep (When they poke their tongue out just a little bit.)

Every morning, Smitty and Sarah did their stretches. Sometimes, Crouton came over to peek in the window.

A drawing of Sarah and Smitty stretching on the floor in front of a window. Crouton the cat is peeking into the window.
Doggust drawing prompt: Stretch

I’ve sure been having fun with this project! How are your dog days of August going?

Author: Michelle

18 thoughts on “Smitty’s Happy Doggust Days

  1. Smitty & Sarah look like they’re having a lot of fun 😊 Wonderful drawings Michelle & would definitely translate well to a picture book. You’re so creative!

    1. Thank you so much, Tobia! My dog posed for me, and I took a photo, so I had a drawing reference.

  2. Smitty reminds me of Rex! Especially the lean and the stretching and the jumping into the vehicle. Aww. I love this so much, and I feel like this should be a book!

  3. Hi Michelle! Your Smitty Dog days have me smiling from ear to ear!!! I Love them all! The fan…. the bone yard…!… the stretch….!!!:):) and the others too! Wow, Smitty is obviously very lucky and very happy! I think it is great that you are joining the prompts into a story sequence. Well done! I look forward to seeing more! (No pressure! :):):))

    1. Hi Betsy! Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so happy that you’re enjoying the story!

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