It’s Gotcha Day!

Smitty jumped into Sarah’s arms and gave her a big doggy kiss on the chin! Right then and there, Sarah knew that she would adopt Smitty. “It’s Gotcha Day!” She cried happily.

A drawing of Smitty the Mutt jumping into Sarah’s arm and licking her face.

Today’s prompt for @doggust is lick. How do you feel about doggy kisses? I’m OK if a dog licks my hand, but not my feet, and never my face! I know too much! Ha! Ha! (I might make an exception if I were in Sarah’s situation though.)

Author: Michelle

14 thoughts on “It’s Gotcha Day!

  1. I love seeing your art and following along. also the little story snippets are so fun to read.

    Personally I am nt a dog person and licks are very not ok for me. I don’t let dogs get that close to me… so…

    1. Thank you, Tobia! I remember one of your posts about off-leash dogs, which bothers me as well.

  2. Hi Michelle! I am mostly okay with doggy kisses when I know the dog… if I don’t know them I am less happy about them. On the hands whenever…. on the face, okay if they are truly friendly and not inclined to nip! :):)

    1. Luckily, our dog isn’t licky either. A foot lick will send me through the roof! 🤣

  3. I don’t like doggy kisses! I like them on my cheek, but that’s it. My husband, however, loves them! All of the dogs in our family give him constant kisses. Especially my mom’s dog, Dolly. ❤️

    1. All of your dogs know just who to go to! That’s so sweet! I like it when other people get doggy kisses, and they’re fun to draw as well!

  4. I don’t care much for licks myself, but my dog is very sparing with her licks, so I always feel like it’s the best of compliments when she licks me!

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