It’s Nice to Meet You!

A drawing of a lady in a blue dress with long hair in a ponytail is shaking Smitty's paw.

One day, a nice lady named Sarah came to the animal shelter. Smitty came over to her and offered his paw. “It’s nice to meet you, Smitty,” said Sarah.

A drawing of a lady in a blue dress with long hair in a ponytail is shaking Smitty's paw.

The prompt for @Doggust is #Paw.

I enjoy being part of the blogging community so much! Here are three things about me that may not have come up in my posts. Maybe this is more of a “getting to know you” than a “nice to meet you”, but it seems like a good place to post these!

  1. My college major was French language and literature. I even spent a year in France as an exchange student. Did I ever use my degree? No. However, I’d say learning another language and living in another country opened me up to a lifetime of learning, patience, and acceptance, which has been a blessing my entire adult life.
  2. I live on my husband’s family cattle ranch in Montana. I can drive a forklift, a skid steer, and a tractor! I didn’t grow up with cattle, so I don’t love being in close quarters with them. I have a healthy fear of being stepped on, kicked, or smooshed! Therefore, my job is record keeping and other things that don’t require close contact.
  3. My husband owns a livestock feed store. I’m his assistant when things get busy. We have oats, corn, barley, mineral, salt, etc. I love the smell of animal feed!

I’d love to know something about you that I didn’t know before!

Author: Michelle

20 thoughts on “It’s Nice to Meet You!

  1. Hi Michelle! I am going backwards through your story…! And this is such a fun post!
    I lived on a farm in my teenaged years… we had milk cows and calves and steers for meat… chores, making hay… gardening and preserving food… a real “back-to-the-land” thing in the ’70’s. Gosh that was a long time ago! But so educational! I loved cows… we had Jerseys who are small and gave great rich milk… butter… we made cheese and yogurt…!
    And then for college I did the English major thing… also read French… did a year in England and traveled in Europe all the way to Greece! And because I was an English major, I ended up in book-keeping too! LOL Makes sense, Right? :):):)

    1. Thank you so much, Betsy! Your farm sounds like a lovely experience, and yes, so educational! You’ll never take food for granted, knowing what it takes to raise it. Jerseys are so pretty! You have a rich background with your farming experience and travels. No wonder you’re so wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Nicole! I love that you’re so willing to share your life! Your blog is a delight to read!

  2. I loved learning these things about you! You are such an interesting (in a wonderful way) person, Michelle! I would love to see pictures of your Montana scenery if you are ever comfortable to share them. ❤️

    1. Thank you, Kari! I think you’re interesting and wonderful as well! Scenery shots are a good idea – maybe one of these days!

  3. Theses are all new things to me. Having just been in Montana, I saw a lot of cattle farms and I imagine they are a lot of work.

    I thought about minoring in French, although in the end I only took one or two years of it in college. However, I did go and live in Bordeaux for a summer and I worked at a grocery store. This definitely helped me learn patience and also how to do things that are hard, out of my league, or embarrassing. My French now is rudimentary at best, but I still always try!!

    One more new thing: I don’t have an exact count, but I’ve traveled to about 50 countries, and plan to add a lot more to my list over the next couple of decades.

    1. Wow!! Visiting 50 countries is so amazing, Kyria! Working at a grocery store in France is amazing! I can still understand written French quite well, but speaking and listening are another story.

  4. Awww. So sweet. And WOW. I did NOT know these things about you. I’ve love a Day in My Life post from you. Fascinating and so very different from my day-to-day.

    My sister’s background is French Literature and education and she spent a year in France at the University of Bordeaux.

    1. Thank you, Elisabeth! You’re so kind! It’s funny that part of my interest in learning French came from a trip to Canada, where everything was in English and French. It was so cool!

    1. You’re so kind to say that Engie! I have always loved to draw, ever since I could hold a pencil. I got away from it during my 20s and 30s, and came back to it at 45, when it became a bit of an obsession!

  5. You’re a rancher! How cool. As a Brit I have a
    romanticised view of living on a ranch…do you have a porch? I want one & a rocking chair to go on it.

    Hmmm something you didn’t know before about me…I’m a twin, I’m a Leo & I hit the big 4-0 soon. Thanks for asking ☺️

    1. Hi Rae! Happy birthday to you and your twin! I hope your forties will be a wonderful decade for both of you! I’m much older than 40, so I’m looking back on that age very fondly! 😂 I’m sorry to disappoint you, but we don’t have a porch or a rocking chair. We’ll have to look into that!

      1. Thanks Michelle, I’m looking forward to my 40’s, think I’m going to enjoy them ☺️
        I suspected I may have got carried away with stereotypical rancher imagery, but it was worth a shot. Au revoir pour l’instant.

    1. Judy, how wonderful that you got to spend your summers on your grandparents’ dairy farm! You must have learned so much there. On our ranch, I feel like I learn something new every day!

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