It’s Time for Doggust! Drawing Dogs in August

I participated in Doggust last year and had so much fun that I decided to do it again. Doggust is a fun event on Instagram (Here’s the link if you’re on Instagram.) There are drawing prompt lists to choose from or you can do your own thing, drawing dogs all month long. Here’s the list I’m following:

Doggust Alternative 2024 Dog List by @elizardc_arts 
1. Mutt, 2. catch, 3. paw, 4. lick,, 6. silly, 7. swim, 8. cat, 9. rain, 10. snoop, 11. hot, 12. bamboozled, 13. leap, 14. slobber, 15. tug, 16. chew, 17. fetch, 18. walkies, 19. snoot, 20. floofy, 21. stretch, 22. park, 23. puppy, 24. dig, 25. blep, 26. wag, 27. nap, 28. rainbow, 29. zoomies, 30. sass, 31. trick or treat

It was nice that the prompts were released early, in mid-July, so I could start drawing my dogs. I chose one dog, an imaginary mutt named Smitty. He’s mostly tan with a few black and white spots, has a shaggy little mustache, and has a long tail and ears. I’m drawing in the Procreate app on my iPad using pencil brushes from Lisa Glanz’s Plush Pencil set.

Hand-drawn dog by Michelle Goggins.
Meet Smitty

As always, with these drawing challenges, I don’t feel obligated to draw every prompt or post every day. My main goal is to have fun drawing dogs. I had never heard the word “blep” before, which apparently is when they just poke the tip of their tongue out. (So cute!) I’m not sure what to draw for “bamboozled.” Any ideas? Do you think “rainbow” is a metaphor for death? Or something else?

Doggust starts tomorrow, August 1st! I’d love it if you follow along with me! I know it’s a lot when someone posts every day, so you don’t need to feel obligated to comment on every post. Maybe by the end of the month, I’ll have a nice collection of illustrations for a story!

Author: Michelle

14 thoughts on “It’s Time for Doggust! Drawing Dogs in August

  1. A wonderful project! Will sure follow along with you! There is a poem called the Rainbow Bridge: when the pet passed away, they wait for you at the rainbow bridge and you cross together.

    1. Thank you, Daria! I thought it might be something like that, which is a lovely thought! But I’d probably cry the whole time if I drew it, so I think I’ll skip that one.

    1. It’s the perfect word, I think! I can’t believe I’d never heard of it until now!

  2. Happy Doggust Michelle! I Love your Doggust drawings and look forward to seeing what you come up with this year! Smitty looks sooo sweet…. just the kind of mutt I Love… big, sweet and friendly. 🙂 I think I would go bonkers trying to do something like “Doggust”… I take too long and dither and agonize… slow art is me. 🙂 Enjoy the process…. that ‘s what it is all about! :):):)

    1. Thank you, Betsy! I’ve learned to relax a bit more with these challenges, because they can be overwhelming.

  3. Smitty is so adorable! Yeah, I’m not sure what bamboozled means, but I think you’re right about rainbow.

    I can’t wait to see all of your doggie drawings! ❤️

    1. Thank you, Kari! I’m going to skip a few of the prompts, and rainbow and bamboozled with be two of them!

  4. Smitty is gorgeous. I dabbled a bit with my village art club a while ago but I’m not a good ideas person. Could bamboozled mean a dog has lots of toys but doesn’t know which one to play with? That was my first thought for rainbow, but could it be a lovely bandana.

    1. Thank you, Polly! I’m planning to skip a few of the prompts, just so I can keep my sanity, and bamboozled and rainbow will be two of them.

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