I Love to Ride My Tricycle!

My beautiful tricycle with doodled flowers in the basket and a doodled bird on the seat.

I got a tricycle for adults! It’s a beautiful, sturdy, blue-green tricycle with a big white wire basket, and I love it!

My tricycle for adults in my yard. The side of the trike has the words "Fun Space" on it.
My beautiful tricycle!

I ended up with this lovely tricycle by pure chance and serendipity. Isn’t it nice when that happens?

A while back, Facebook, with its frightening knowledge of my life, served me up an ad for an adult tricycle. I opened it out of curiosity and thought it looked like fun, but it was quite expensive and would arrive unassembled.

Well, once you open a Facebook ad, you’ll get a billion more along the same lines. I got tricycle ads for weeks, but the thought of assembling one put me off.

Then I saw “Adult Tricycles in Your Area,” which led me to Craigs List. And what do you know? There was one for sale in my town! A fully assembled, brand-new one! I contacted the person, arranged a meeting, took a test drive, and bought the tricycle!

A picture of my tricycle with doodles of a cat on the seat and a bird on the handlebars.

Riding a tricycle is very different from riding a bicycle. It took me a little practice to get used to it, but then I was ready to go!

Can I even describe the joy I feel when riding my tricycle? I feel free yet secure. I don’t go too fast, but the breeze blows through my hair. It’s not hard work but a nice way to exercise. And I can haul lots of stuff in the basket!

Have you ever ridden a tricycle for adults? Is there anything bringing you joy right now?

I wish you a great week!

My tricycle basket with American flags on the back corners.
I’m ready for July 4th!
Author: Michelle

24 thoughts on “I Love to Ride My Tricycle!

  1. Hi Michelle! I hope you have many lovely rides on your tricycle! I am afraid I am too old to even think of one! I live in a built up area and “bike lanes” are a thing I don’t even know how to navigate…. guess I am a chicken anyway, the roads are not as tame as they were even pre-pandemic. Everyone drives too fast! Anyway, country lanes with little traffic sound just lovely! I content myself with going for walks instead! :):):)

    1. Thank you, Betsy! I’ve been riding my trike every day and it’s so much fun! I agree with you that people drive too fast, and I wouldn’t want to be out in traffic with my trike! Walks are also wonderful. I’ve always enjoyed walking, but my poor feet and knees don’t let me get too far!

  2. [Something is off with my RSS feed. I just got this post.] However now that I have I’m glad you were ready for the Fourth and hope it went splendidly for you. Your tricycle is cute. I haven’t seen any like it around here.

    1. I hope you had a nice 4th as well, Ally. We had a lovely, relaxing day and a sleepless night with everyone’s fireworks exploding!

  3. What a beauty! I have never ridden a tricycle, but I love the freedom that comes from riding a bicycle. It’s so different from a car, isn’t it?

  4. oh wow, that looks brilliant. I used to ride a bicycle but I got older, the roads got busier, and the country lanes are use by idiots who drive too fast so I stopped. I miss it but wouldn’t want to go back on the roads now.

    1. Hi Polly! I understand about not wanting to drive on busy roads! I’m lucky that I can enjoy a decent dirt road with very little traffic. I definitely won’t be venturing out onto the busier roads though. I wish I could ride it to the supermarket, but that road is terrifying!

  5. How wonderful, Michelle. It looks so study! I’ve never ridden one but I bet I’d like it. I can totally see myself riding that thing to the supermarket, getting groceries, placing them into the basket, and riding back- exercise check for the day! Enjoy your tricycle!!

    1. It is very secure and sturdy, which I love. I would love to ride it to the supermarket, but unfortunately the road is way too busy, and I’m scared to do it!

  6. Oh what a joy. I didn’t even know there are tricycles. But of course why not. And what a wink of the universe sending it your way. Feeling the wind in your hair is such a great feeling… specially during summer time. I am looking forward seeing and hearing more about your rides.

  7. I love it, Michelle! How fun is that! I have never ridden a tricycle (not for a while anyway!) and I think that looks great. It’s so funny how FB (and IG!) knows your life intimately. Mine too. I made the mistake of looking at one reel about a concealer for older women and then I was flooded. My entire algorithm is currently products for the older woman and shapewear. I did check out heatless curlers once and bam, nothing but heatless curlers all the time.
    Anyway, sorry for going off the rails for a moment. I’m so excited for you and your bike. I’m imagining you zipping around with like a baguette and some fruit in your basket! Or, more likely, fabric and craft materials! xoxoxo

    1. I know exactly what you mean about all the advertising – and heaven forbid if you accidentally click on something you’re not even interested in! Especially on my iPad, I accidentally tap on something – at one point I had moustache grooming products for weeks! I love that idea of fabric and crafts in my trike basket!

  8. I’ve been singing the Queen song ever since I saw your title earlier, and now I’m just commenting! Ha! I absolutely love your tricycle!! That is perfection, Michelle. I am sure you will enjoy it this summer. Please take lots of pictures of your adventures.

    Ella had been asking for a bike this summer, and when we we recently went into a local thrift store, there was a Schwinn bike that looked almost identical to the first bike I ever owned. Serendipity. I love how we both experienced serendipity with bicycles this summer. ❤️

  9. That is a impressive tricycle, flags and the doodles. I had wanted at one time to get 2 folding tricycles to throw in the back of the truck. But they weighed more than I wanted to throw around. They have things that attach and are spoke activated and make and make a nice sound. I once had a electric horn that played Yankee Doodle. When you have a tricycle you can do a lot of interesting stuff. You made a good choice. A new toy is always nice.

  10. Oh my goodness it is so beautiful! Congrats to you and I wish you many lovely days with the wind in your hair!

    I have debated getting one but I sadly get tired very quickly with my bike lol I was thinking of getting an e-bike to give me an assist when I need it and have been debating on a tricycle version or a two-wheeled. Thank you for the inspiration 🙂

    1. I think an e-bike or trike sounds awesome! Where I’m riding is quite flat, but if there were hills, I would definitely want some assistance! I love the trike because I don’t have to worry about losing my balance, but it takes a few tries to get used to that!

  11. I have not ridden one, but I’ve certainly looked at them and wondered if they were as much fun as it appeared. Now, I now they are. Who doesn’t love a bicycle and who doesn’t love just a wee bit more security. Sounds good to me. Have a lot of fun this summer.

    1. Thank you, Judy! I do feel more secure on the trike, once I got used to it. There are also electric options to help assist with the pedaling, which sound quite nice.

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